The Foresight 2020 Health Challenge will help you refocus on your own health and well-being at the beginning of a new decade. This fully-supported, fully-online challenge will be led by Primal Certified Health Coach H. Howells, in the setting of a private group on Facebook where you will benefit from the community and support of your fellow participants.
Daily posts will offer instruction, inspiration, coaching; encouragement and support will abound
What to expect:
· Pre-view the curriculum detailed below
· Pay online via the invoice for $179 you’ll receive in your email
· Receive invite to private Facebook group for the Foresight 2020 Health Challenge 12/28/2019
· Challenge starts 1/6/2020
Detailed curriculum:
· Pre-challenge days: introductions between participants and coach; personal goal-setting; sharing our stories; obtaining baseline metrics before embarking on meeting our goals
· Day 1: Foresight 2020 Health Challenge kicks off on January 6th, 2020!
· Weeks 1-3 (1/6-1/26, Days 1-21): Focus on Nutrition – Bodies are Built in the Kitchen
o Week 1: Setting yourself up for Success –
- Purging your pantry, stocking your shelves
- Understanding what to eat and what to eliminate . . . and why
o Week 2: Nitty-Gritty Meal Prep –
- Strategies for success – for planners and those who love spontaneity
- Taking the sting out of shopping
o Week 3: Feeling it all – what to expect when you’re expecting change: weathering how your body may feel and adjust as you start to become a fat-burning beast
- Breaking the addiction to foods
- Weathering the low-carb flu
- Understanding hormonal changes as you optimize your metabolic machinery
- Benefits of adapting your body to burn FAT
· Weeks 4-5 (1/27-2/9, Days 22-35): Sleep and Stress
o Week 4: Sleep is a Need – Believe in the dream! – What your body expects and needs from you to repair itself, and how to improve sleep hygiene to get the sleep you need
o Week 5: Cortisol is a 4-letter word
- Acknowledge sources of stress, and develop strategies to reduce it
- Enacting small changes and making big moves
- Dealing with circumstances outside your control
· Weeks 6-7 (2/10-2/23, Days 36-49): Focus on Fitness
o Week 6: Building your aerobic base –
- Why chronic cardio will shoot your goals in the foot
- How to build an aerobic base without spending your whole life on a treadmill
o Week 7: Strength-building and Sprinting –
- The metabolic kick-in-the-nuts that you just can’t get without them
- How to maximize your results with minimal investment in time
· Weeks 8-9 (2/24-3/8, Days 50-63): Leveling up
o Week 8: Intermittent Fasting and Compressed Eating Window
- Check-in with your body on fat adaptation
- Discuss benefits and try Intermittent Fasting, and/or Compressed Eating Window
o Week 9: Understand Ketosis and how to do it while maintaining a balanced diet that includes vegetables!
· Week 10 (3/9-3/15, Days 64-70): How far we’ve come, how far we have to go
o Week 10:
- Check in on milestones and major successes
- Discuss living Primally in a SAD (Standard American Diet) world
- Fine-tune the basics, troubleshooting pain points
· Weeks 11-12 (3/16-3/29, Days 71-84): Full-Life Integration
o Week 11: Sunlight, Play, Brain Fitness, Slowing Life Down
- How to benefit from sunlight, safely!
- Why play is hard – and how to make it easier
o Week 12: Jumping for joy – finding your Primal Bliss
· Weeks 13-14 (3/30-4/12, Days 85-98): Looking to the Future
o Week 13: Creating a plan for Personal Sustainability
- What challenges lie ahead, and how to face them
- Making a Primal Life – new traditions, new comfort foods, new communities
o Week 14: Celebrating our Success
- Compare results to baseline metrics
- Celebrate as individuals and a group
· Final two days (4/13-4/14, Days 99 and 100): Gratitude is Transformative
- Reflection on the Challenge
- Plans for future check-ins and caring for what we’ve built
Email h.howells@agentsofchangecoaching.com with additional questions
Here’s to making 2020 the beginning of your best decade yet!